Our Second 2021 Championship Sponsor: Patrick Henry College Teen Camps

Ziggy & Lasting Impact! are excited to announce our next tournament sponsor: Patrick Henry College's 2021 Teen Leadership Camps!

 Patrick Henry College has generously offered to provide the 1st Place Teams (1 LDer and both partners of the winning TP team) full scholarships for their summer camps!

What are PHC Teen Leadership Camps?

Patrick Henry College offers a wide range of interesting and educational summer camps for high school students. Each camp is normally between $530–$605. These camps “are designed with a Christian worldview where teens grow deep in their faith, friendships, and academic pursuits!”

Camps are usually 5–7 days long.

What Camps are Offered?

PHC offers a number of interesting options, including camps about strategic intelligence, constitutional law, entrepreneurship and economics, journalism, theater, and of course speech and debate. Check out the full list here!

PHC Camp Scholarships

PHC has offered the 1st place teams a full scholarship for a camp of their choice.You’ll have until June 24 to make your selection.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up now!