Fall SCHEDULE (for Moot Court, see right)
Spring Schedule – Round 1 Begins January 4th
Ziggy Tournaments
Judge Signup
Debate Resolutions/Topics
NCFCA Resolutions (2024–25)
TP: The United States Federal Government should significantly reform its foreign policy toward one or more of the following Central American countries: Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica.
LD: In combat, the use of automation should be valued above the use of military personnel.
Parli Resolutions
Team Parli and Individual Parli debate topics/resolutions are hand-crafted by Ziggy Online Debate® Staff.
Topics are different every week but are based on (a) current events, (b) debatable philosophical disagreements, and are some combination of policy, value, fact, and scenario resolutions.
ASDA Resolutions (2024–25)
TP: The United States Federal Government should significantly reform its foreign policy toward one or more of the following countries: Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica.
LD: In the United States criminal justice system, jury nullification ought to be used in the face of perceived injustice.
Complete payment using one of the methods below.
NOTE: PayPal charges a small (under $2) fee for paying with a credit or debit card. Please use Venmo to avoid the fee. Invoices are available upon request.
Registration Cost is $30 per student for Ziggy Spring 2025
Junior Team Debate is $20 per student.
Credit/Debit Card or PayPal Balance
(PayPal Fees Apply)Ziggy Spring 2025 Tournament
Use the PayPal options below to pay via credit or debit card.
If you are paying for 4 or more debate registrations at once, you are eligible for a family discount! Contact us for more info.
PLEASE NOTE: repeat registrations (i.e., signing one student up for two events counts as 2 registrations).
Pay a Partial Balance - Credit/Debit Card or PayPal Balance(PayPal Fees Apply)
A limited number of scholarships are available based upon demonstrated financial need. Click to apply.